Vijaya Bank Advisor Treasury Recruitment 2017
Vijaya Bank Recruitment 2017
Vijaya Bank has Vijaya Bank invites applications (On-Line only) through Bank’s website for engagement of senior executives as ‘Advisor-Treasury on Contract basis’ Bank Job on its official website Interested & Eligible Candidates Apply Online at mention below link.
Vijaya Bank Jobs 2017 Apply Online
About Vijaya Bank : Vijaya Bank is a premier Public Sector Bank, with its Head Office at Bengaluru, having a network of more than 2100 branches plus offices all over India with total employee strength of over 16200. The Bank, founded on 23.10.1931, is a pioneer in introducing new & innovative trend setting products tailor made to the diverse needs of varied clientele. The Bank completed its platinum jubilee in the year 2006. The total business crossed Rs.2.29 lakh crore as at March 2017 in congruence with the Bank’s Mission, “To emerge as a prime national bank backed by modern technology, meeting customer’s aspirations with professional banking services and sustained growth contributing to national development.”
Vijaya Bank Jobs Details
Name of Posts: Advisor Treasury
Educational Qualification: Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university. Professional qualification in Treasury will be an added advantage and will be preferred.
Age limit: Minimum 45 years, Maximum 65 years as on 01.11.2017
Compensation: Rs. 75,000/- paid in the lump sum every month on the consolidated basis.
Period of Contract : The period of engagement shall be initially for a period of 03 year. Depending upon the Bank’s requirement, the period of engagement may be extended for an additional term of two years at the sole discretion of the Bank. The maximum period of engagement will not be more than 05 years.
Job Profile OR Roles & Responsibilities : The roles & responsibilities of Advisor(Treasury) include but are not limited to the following:
- Advising head of Treasury in the areas of decision making for maintaining the position, investment in securities market without any compromise on quality,
- The Advisor should advise the Bank in all fields of treasury like Forex, Equity, Derivatives and Fixed money market,
- Perform within the ambit of permitted guidelines as per Treasury Policy of the Bank and RBI guidelines,
- Ensure proper control in funds management and apprise the Funds Committee on daily basis and alert the concerned on threshold levels, and
- Ensure adherence to statutory and policy guidelines in conducting operations in dealing rooms, investment in Bonds, Equity, Mutual Funds and other operations related to treasury management.
- As the Bank intends to expand its business overseas, the Advisor should guide the Bank for getting all necessary approvals and ensure compliance of all regulatory requirements with regard to opening of overseas branches.
Application Fee: Rs. 600/- for application fee including intimation charges of Rs. 100/- for OBC Category and General Candidates; ₹ 100/- Intimation charges only for SC / ST / PWD Category Candidates. The Payment to be made in online mode only.
Mode of Selection/Selection process : The mode of selection shall be Interview/Interaction. The selection will be based on the performance of the shortlisted candidates in personal interview/Interaction.
Shortlisting & Final Selection : The application details received and the relevant documents will be scrutinized and shortlisted by the committee formed for this purpose. The Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for the interview/interaction after preliminary screening/ shortlisting with reference to candidates’ aforesaid attributes. The selected candidate, upon acceptance of offer of engagement, shall enter into a contract with the Bank.
How to Apply
Interested and eligible Candidates are required to visit the Bank’s website “” and click on the “Careers” link to access “Notification No.03/2017”. Eligible candidates are then required to click on the corresponding link to apply online. Candidates will have to enter their basic details in the online application form. Candidates are required to upload their photograph as per the specifications given in the ‘Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph ‘(Annexure I).
After applying Online, candidate should obtain a Print-Out of Computer Generated Online Application, which should be annexed with all necessary documents substantiating the candidature and should be sent through ordinary post only, in a closed envelope super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR ADVISOR-TREASURY ON CONTRACT BASIS- 2017-2018 in Vijaya Bank”, to the following address:
Address: The Deputy General Manager-HRD Vijaya Bank, Head Office 41/2, Trinity Circle, M.G. Road Bengaluru-560001

Official notification & Important Dates
- Notification No.: 03/2017
- Commencement of online application: 22/11/2017
- Last date of online application by candidates: 09/12/2017
Engagement of ‘Advisor (Treasury) on Contract Basis’:- NOTIFICATION NO.03/2017
Notification NO:03/2017
The Bank invites applications (On-Line only) for Engagement of Advisor (Treasury) on Contract Basis’.
The details of the same are as below:
Please CLICK HERE to download the Notification (English).
Please CLICK HERE to download the Notification (Hindi).