SMC Recruitment 2016, Surat Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2016, SMC Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Recruitment, SMC Jobs, SMC Vacancy, SMC Walk-in-Interview, SMC Engineer, SMC MIS, Surat Municipal Corporation Bharti 2016, Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) Published its Recruitment Notification as a Walk-in-Interivew for the Post of Civil Engineer, Housing Finance & Policy specialist, urban planner etc Under Pradhan Mantri Avas Yojana (CLTC). More Details about SMC Jobs, Recruitment 2016 meniton below.
SMC Recruitment 2016
The Following individuals / Professionals prossessing required qualifications for the following positions (On Contract Base) for the requirements of City level Technical cell (CLTC) for “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) may walk in for the personal interview to be conducted for preparation of selection waiting list for the following contractual posts mention below schedule.
SMC Recruitment 2016 ~ Apply 10 Vacancies at
Total No. of posts: 10
Name of posts:
- Municipal / Civil Engineer: 05
- Housing Finance and Policy Specialist: 01
- Social Development Expert: 01
- MIS Expert: 01
- IEC Expert: 01
- Urban Planner: 01
Educational qualification: Post Wise Various see in official notification
Selection process: SMC Jobs Candidates Selection will be on Interveiw Base.
How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates May Apply SMC Walk-in-Interview attend & Along with all necessary documents, certificates at mention below address and Schedule.
Walk-in-Interview Address: New Standing Committee Room, 3rd Floor of New Annexe Building, Muglisara, Surat
Interview date: 05/07/2016

View SMC Walk-in-Interview Notification
More Details SCM Recruitment 2016