Reserve bank of India (RBI) Bank Job has published Final Result for the post of Assistant. Check below for more details. Recruitment of RBI Assistants – Panel Year 2017: Display of Roll Numbers of provisionally Selected Candidates for Appointment in the Bank’s Ahmedabad Office
Brief Summary of RBI Assistant Recruitment 2017
Result for the post of Assistant 2019
The Reserve Bank of India invites applications from eligible candidates for 623 posts of “Assistant” in various offices of the Bank. Selection for the post will be through a country-wide competitive examination in two phases i.e. Preliminary and Main examination followed by a Language Proficiency Test (LPT). Please note that Corrigendum, if any, issued on the above advertisement, will be published only on the Bank’s website
Name of Post: Assistant
Final Result: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here
RBI refer to the advertisement dated October 18, 2017, published on website on the recruitment for the posts of Assistants. On the basis of performance of the candidates in the Online Test, Language Proficiency Test (LPT) and Biometric Data-Capturing and Verification, the list of provisionally selected candidates for the above posts is given in the link provided below:
“Roll Numbers of Provisionally Selected Candidates” Click Here
The list is provisional, subject to the candidates being found medically fit and fulfilment of other terms and conditions as stipulated in our advertisement referred to above. It may please be noted that in the absence of required certificates / documents and/or not meeting any of the terms and conditions, candidates may not be appointed in the Bank.
Offer of Appointment to the provisionally selected candidates will be sent to their respective postal addresses by Ahmedabad Office. Decision of the Bank in all matters pertaining to selection process shall be final and binding on the candidates. Check More details