Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) Published latest jobs related notification for the post of JRF – Junior Research fellow vacancy on PDPU Official website : So, Interested & eligible candidates can apply JRF Vacancy for read full official notification and other details e.g. education qualification, age limit, name of post, no. of post, important dates, how to apply etc are as under.
PDPU Recruitment 2017-18
PDPU is looking for meritorious young researchers for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF – 01 Post) for the project titled “Advanced Urban Public Transportation System” funded by Science & Engineering Research Board, Department of Science & Technology vide Sanction Letter No. ECR/2017/000217 dated 23rd June 2017.
The University is looking for bright, dynamic and highly motivated Doctorates for the following posts:
- Professors (Mechanical / Chemical Engg)
- Assistant Professor (Mathematics)
The University follows the IIT norms for recruitment and compensation.
Eligible candidates are required to Apply Online only through University website on or before 10th July, 2017.
Invites Applications For Faculty Positions »
The University is looking for bright, dynamic and highly motivated PhDs for the Post of Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in the disciplines of Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Communication Technology, and Commerce. The University follows the IIT norms for recruitment and compensation.
Education Eligibility :
- M.E./M.Tech. In Computer Science and Engineering/Electronics/ICT or other relevant discipline or equivalent qualification OR
- M.Sc. in Computer Science/Electronics or related discipline with NET qualification or equivalent qualification OR
- B.E. / B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering/Electronics/ICT or other relevant discipline with NET qualification
For more information about eligibility criteria, pl refer the following URL:
Desired Skills:
- Work/Project development experience using Micro controllers (e.g. Adriano or Raspberry-pi) is desirable.
- Basic knowledge of Mobile and Web application development is expected
Duration: One year, (May be extended to 2ndand 3rdyear based on the performance)
Fellowship: Rs. 25,000/- + (HRA will be granted after approval from SERB, DST)
Last date of Application | : | 19th July 2017 |
Interview Date ( Tentative) | : | 24th July 2017 |
Email ID to receive the applications | : | |
Please note that your CV should clearly mention contact details (address, phone no., email ID), date of birth, qualifications and details of experience (with name of organization/institute).
Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview through e-mail.
Offer of fellowship is purely contractual and limited to project for the project duration only as per funding agency norms and does not confer any right to the selected candidate for absorption in PDPU.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Candidates are required to produce all certificates/testimonials in original at the time of interview.
For Application-
The interested candidates should apply with three references by e-mail to or by courier to The Director, School of Technology,Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University latest by 10th July, 2017.
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University,
Raisan, Gandhinagar – 382007. Gujarat, India.

View PDPU Recruitment 2017 Official notification
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