Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2017
NVS Non Teaching Recruitment 2017
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti – NVS (An Autonomous Organisation under Ministry of HRD) Department of School Education and Literacy invites online applications from Indian citizens for recruitment to various non-teaching posts i.g. Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant, Lower Division Clerk/ Storekeeper, Lab Attendant in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas on NVS website And Apply Online NVS Non Teaching Jobs 2017 on
Navoday Vidyalaya Bharti Details
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, henceforth mentioned as NVS is an Autonomous Organisation under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education and Literacy, Govt. of India having its HQ at NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh). It has 08 Regional Offices at Bhopal, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Patna, Pune & Shillong and more than 600 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas which are co-educational, fully residential schools up to Senior Secondary Level and located mainly in rural areas, all across the country except in the State of Tamil Nadu. NVS invites online applications from Indian citizens for recruitment to various non-teaching posts viz Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant, Lower Division Clerk/ Storekeeper, Lab Attendant in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and for the posts of Audit Assistant, Hindi Translator, Stenographer, Lower Division Clerk in NVS HQ / Regional Offices.
No. of Posts: 683
Name of Posts:
- Audit Assistant: 03 Posts
- Hindi Translator: 05 Posts
- Female Staff Nurse: 06 Posts
- Stenographer: 10 Posts
- Catering Assistant: 81 Posts
- Lower Division Clerk (HQ/RO Cadre): 61 Posts
- Lower Division Clerk/ Store Keeper (JNV Cadre): 440 Posts
- Lab Assistant: 77 Posts
Educational Qualification & Age limit:
Audit Assistant: Essential: B Com from a recognized University. Desirable: 3 years experience of accounts works in a Govt. / Semi Govt. / Autonomous Organizations. Note: Direct recruits will have to acquire proficiency in operating PCs and pass such test in this regard as the Samiti may require.
Hindi Translator: Essential: 1. Master’s Degree from the recognized University in Hindi / English with other language than Master’s Degree at graduation level. OR Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University with Hindi / English with a recognized Diploma in Translation from Hindi to English and vice versa. Two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central / State Government Offices including Government of India Undertakings proof correction.
Female Staff Nurse: Essential : a) Passed Sr. Secondary Examination (Class XII) or equivalent and Grade ‘A’(Three years) Diploma/Certificate in Nursing from recognized Institution. OR B.Sc(Nursing) from a recognised University/ Institution. 2. Registration with Indian/ State Nursing Council. 3. Practical experience of two years in Hospital/Clinic. Desirable : Working Knowledge of Hindi/Regional Language and English.
Stenographer: Essential: 1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (Class XII) 2. Shorthand speed of 80 words per minute and typing speed 40 words per minute in English. OR Shorthand speed of 60 words per minutes and typing speed of 30 words per minute in Hindi. Note: Direct recruits will have to acquire proficiency in operating PCs and pass such test in this regard as the Samiti may require.
Catering Assistant: 1. Secondary School (X class pass) and Three Years Diploma in Catering or equivalent from an Institution recognized by Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India/State Govt. OR Passed Sr. Secondary (Class XII) from CBSE with Hotel Management and Catering as Vocational Subject and at least one year experience in catering. OR Passed Sr.Secondary (Class XII) or equivalent and one year diploma in catering or equivalent from a recognized institution with three years experience in catering in reputed institution/hotels. OR Trade proficiency Certificate in Catering with a minimum of 10 years of service in Defence Services of regular establishment (for Ex- Servicemen only).
Lower Division Clerk (HQ/RO Cadre / JNV Cadre): ESSENTIAL: 1. Senior Secondary (Class XII) certificate from a recognized Board with 50% marks and possessing minimum speed of 30 words per minutes in English typing or 25 words per minutes in Hindi typing correspond to 10500 KDPH as on average of 5 key depressions for each word. OR Passed +2 level or Senior Secondary Certificate from CBSE/State Govt. With Secretarial Practices and Office Management as Vocational Subjects. Desirable: 1. Knowledge of computer operation and data entry acquired either as a subject at +2 level or through 6 months diploma in computer from a recognised institution or through computer literacy certificate at school level. Experience in accounts / administrative matters in Govt. / Semi Govt. / Autonomous organization.
Lab Assistant: Middle Pass with General Science.
Application Fee: Staff Nurse, Audit Assistant, Hindi Translator: Rs.1000/- Catering Assistant, Stenographer / Lower Division Clerk/ Storekeeper / Lab Attendant: Rs. 750/-
Selection Process: Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in online Computer Based Test (CBT). NVS reserves the right to decide the cut off marks in online Computer Based Test (CBT). The decision of the NVS about the mode of selection to the above posts shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. For Stenographer & LDC / Storekeeper post, candidates shortlisted against CBT will be called for Skill Test which is only qualifying in nature and carries no weightage before considering them finally. In case a candidate fails to qualify the skill test, their candidature would be rejected. However, the mode of selection whichever for all the above posts will be the sole discretion of NVS and may be changed.
Exam Cities : The Computer Based Test (CBT) for the recruitment to the above mentioned posts will be held at selected cities as mentioned in the list as available on the designated recruitment portal. Candidate may select a centre as per his/her choice from the list available. However, the NVS has the right to conduct the written test at all the cities or any one of the cities depending upon number of the candidates and other compulsions. Number of centres in each city will depend upon the number of candidates opting for a city and availability of infrastructure and centre may be changed. The candidate will be allowed to choose 3 (Three) written examination centres out of available list. However, NVS reserves the right to alter/change city of Examination other than given choice based upon availability of infrastructure and other arrangements required for conduct of Computer Based Test. Only 1 (One) written examination city will be allowed to the candidate against three choices opted by him. Option once submitted can not be altered.
Jawahar Navoday Vidyalay Examination Pattern 2017
Audit Assistant (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions carrying equal marks
- Hindi Translator (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions
- Stenographer (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions carrying
- Staff Nurse (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions carrying
- Catering Assistant (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions
- Lower Division Clerk/ Store Keeper (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple
- Lab Assistant (Online Computer Based Test): 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions carrying equal marks
How to Apply
Interested & Eligible Candidates are required to apply Online through NVS web-site i.e. Starting from 12/11/2017 to Last Date 13/12/2017. and mention below step.
- Candidates should have a valid personal E-mail ID and to ensure that it is active during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, User ID, Password and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered E-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder).
- Candidates are required to enter the same application sequence no. and other details which are asked on payment page as filled in application form and keep the copy of payment receipt with them for future reference. In case of any mistake in the details filled by the candidate while making payment, no changes will be entertained for the same later on.
- Candidates should take utmost care in furnishing/providing the correct details only while filling-up the on-line application. YOU CAN EDIT THE INFORMATION BEFORE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION. Once the Form is submitted, it can’t be edited.
- The process for submitting the application is given below:
Step-I: Sign-up by filling up Post Applied Name, Mobile No. and E-mail ID. The candidates will receive Application Sequence No. (User ID) & Password on their registered e-mail ID/registered Mobile.
Step-II: Candidate can Re-login or Directly go to application tab displayed at the top of application form and select the category and fill up the Personal Details, Qualification Details, Upload relevant documents (photo/signature/ relevant mark sheet/ certificates)
Step-III: On completion of Step-II, submit Fee online (as applicable) using either of net banking, debit cards or credit cards through SBI Collect on real time basis. The status of payment will be updated after 24 hours from the submission of fees. Application without requisite amount of Fees Stands Rejected.

Official Notification & Important Dates
- Opening Date for On-Line Registration of Application: 12/11/2017 (12.00 AM)
- Last Date for Submission of Application with Fees: 13/12/2017 (till 11.59 PM)
- Tentative Date of Online CBT: 12th, 13th & 14th January, 2018
- Read Novoday Vidyalay Samiti Recruitment Notification : Check Here
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