NABARD Jobs 2017 for Co-Ordinator & Enumerators Post
NABARD Recruitment 2017 – Apply Online
NABARD Consultancy Services Private Limited, (NABCONS) A Wholly owned subsidiary of NABARD published Latest jobs official notification for the post of Co-Coordinator & Enumerators Vacancy for Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentation of NABARD funded Tribal Development Projects in 23 States across India at NABARD website
NABARD Recruitment 2017 – Apply for 82 Vacancies
NABARD Consultancy Services Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of NABARD, invites online applications from Indian citizens for the following posts for Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentation of NABARD funded Tribal Development Projects in 23 States across India. The recruitment is project based on contract basis for a period of one year, which can be further extended, subject to satisfactory performance which will be co-terminus with the present project period of two years.
NABARD Job Details
No. of Posts: 82
Name of Posts:
- National Coordinator: 01 Post
- State Coordinator: 20 Posts
- Enumerators: 61 Posts
Educational Qualification:
National Coordinator:
Qualification: Post-Graduation with minimum 55% marks or equivalent CGPA in Agriculture / Agriculture Engineering / Agronomy / Horticulture / Crop Science / Environment Science / Sociology / Social Work or any other related stream from a recognised University or Institution. Candidates with Ph. D. qualification in the related field or having papers published in National / International Journals will be preferred.
Experience: 10 years of post-qualification experience in Rural/Social Development Sector. Candidates with prior experience of similar projects will be given preference.
State Coordinator:
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 60% marks / equivalent CGPA in Agriculture / Agriculture Engineering / Agronomy / Horticulture / Crop Science / Environment Science / Sociology / Social work or any other related stream from a recognised University or Institution; OR Any Graduate having post-graduation with 55% or Ph.D (awarded) in the above mentioned streams.
Experience: Minimum 05 years of experience in Rural / Social Development Sector post qualification for Graduates in relevant field; OR Minimum 03 years of experience in Rural / Social Development Sector post qualification for Post Graduates /Ph.D in relevant field.
Qualifications: Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 55% marks / equivalent CGPA (or higher with minimum 50% marks / equivalent CGPA) in Agriculture / Agri. Engineering / Agronomy / Horticulture / Crop Science / Environment Science / Sociology / Social work or any other related stream from a recognised University or Institution. .
Experience: For Candidates with Graduation – Minimum 01 year of post qualification experience in Rural / Social Development Sector and For Candidates with Diploma – Minimum 03 years of post-qualification experience in Rural / Social Development Sector.
Relaxation for Candidates : In case of superannuated officers of NABARD not below the rank of DGM or superannuated officers of State Government not below the rank of Joint Director with minimum 07 years of experience in related field. The same may be indicated clearly in the online application link . In highly deserving cases, this can be relaxed.
Place of Posting : The candidate shall be placed at the NABCONS Zonal Office, Mumbai.
Age Limit :
- National Coordinator Minimum 40 years and maximum 64 years
- State Coordinator Minimum 25 years and maximum 63 years
- Enumerator Minimum 21 years and maximum 45 years
Contract Period :
Initial contract will be for one year which can be extended based on periodic performance review, to be co-terminus with the present project period of two years of which, first 3 months will be probation period during which NABCONS shall have the right to terminate the services of the individual without any notice period and without assigning any reason. Thereafter, NABCONS reserves the right to terminate the contract by giving one month notice within the contract period.
Salary :
National Coordinator : Rs. 70000/- per month In addition, other facilities like lodging, halting, travelling, local conveyance etc. would be provided as per NABCONS policy for Project based contract staff.
State Coordinator : Graduate > 5 Years Rs. 50000/- & Post Graduate / Ph. D 3 – 5 Years Rs. 60000/-
Enumerator : Diploma – Rs. 25000/- Graduate Rs. 25000/- Rs. 30000/-
Selection Process
Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview. The candidates may kindly note that any cost incurred by them for attending the interview will not be reimbursed by NABCONS.
How to Apply
Interested candidates Can Apply online in the prescribed format at mention below link & read full official notification given below link and check online website

Official Notification & Important Date
- NABARD Jobs Advt. No. NABCONS/CO-HR/027/PBCS/2017-18
- Last date for online Application Submission 10/11/2017
- View official advertisement: Read here
- Apply online