LRB Constable Bharti 2019 Latest Notification | Lokrakshak Recruitment Board (LRB) has published Important Notification 2019 for the post of Lokrakshak / Constable as Rumors have recently been circulating that academic qualifications have been affected, which is likely to affect the current lokrakshak recruitment process. To make it clear that there is no change in the qualifications in the current recruitment process and proceedings to complete the recruitment process as per the qualifications mentioned in the advertisement.
LRB Constable Bharti 2019 Education Qualification Related Notification 2019
The process of verification documents of Scheduled Tribe category candidates is still with the Commissioner, Tribal Development Office, Gandhinagar. This procedure is likely to be completed within about 45 (forty five) days, which means it is likely to be completed by the end of November.
LRB will also published notification about Lokrakshak Final Result 2019 As the process is complete, the result of the locksmith cadre will be reported through the website. So that all candidates are requested not to ask the locksmith recruitment board or any other place or officer over the phone.
Name of Post: Lokrakshak / Constable
Important Notification: Click Here
View More Details : LRB Constable Final Result 2019