Kandla Port Trust Recruitment 2016, Kandla Port Trust Jobs 2016, Kandla Port Trust Nurse, Kandla Port Trust Pharmacists, Kandla Port Trust (KPT) Published its Recruitment notification for the Post of Nurses and Pharmacists on contractual basis for its Hospitals at Gandhidham, Kandla and Vadinar on its official website http://www.kandlaport.gov.in and other details are in mention below.
www.kandlaport.gov.in Jobs 2016
Kandla Port Trust intends to engage Nurses and Pharmacists on contractual basis for its Hospitals at Gandhidham, Kandla and Vadinar and prepare a panel for future contractual engagement from the empanelled list.
Kandla Port Trust Nurse & Pharmaciest Recruitment 2016
Total no of Posts: 14
Name of Posts & Education:
- Nurse:09 Posts
- Candidates must pass Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery OR B.Sc. (Nursing) from a recognized Institution and registered as Nurse with Gujarat Nursing Council or similar Council of any other state in The candidates, who possessed higher qualifications in the relevant field i.e. Post- Basic B.Sc.(Nursing), M.Sc. (Nursing) would be given preference.
- Pharmacists:05 Posts
- Candidates must pass Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution and registered as Pharmacist with Gujarat State Pharmacy Council or similar Council of any other state in India. The candidates, who possessed higher qualifications in the relevant field i.e. Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy would be given preference. Experience:
Age limit: Max. 30 year (as on Dt,01/06/2016)
Remuneration: The selected candidates will be paid a fixed consolidated remuneration of Rs.23,950/-
Mode of Application & Other Instructions: Application containing detailed bio data including name, father/mother’s name, date of birth, permanent address, address for communication, phone no, email ID, Nationality, marital status, educational qualifications, details of experience, with two recent passport size photographs and photocopies of all testimonial should be sent to the Chief Medical Officer, Kandla Port Trust, Port Hospital, Gopalpuri, Gandhidham 370240, Gujarat, on or before 12.7.2016, in sealed envelope subscribed “Application for contractual engagement of Nurse / Pharmacist”. Application received after the due date will be summarily rejected without further communication.
Application Sending Address : To, The Chief Medical Officer, Kandla Port Trust, Port Hospital, Gopalpuri, Gandhidham 370240, Gujarat
Kandla Port Jobs Application Submission Last date : 12/07/2016

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View More Details about Kandla Port Trust Vacancy 2016 on http://www.kandlaport.gov.in