JAU Recruitment 2017
Junagadh Agricultural University Officer & Asst Recruitment 2017
Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Junagadh published latest jobs related official notification for the vacancy of Agricultural Officer & Agricultural Assistant Total 128 posts at JAU Official website http://ojas.jau.in.
Online Job Application Software (OJAS Bharti 2017)
JAU Advertisement No. 01/2017 | Recruitment of Class III equivalent cadre
JAU Invite Online Application for the Various Post like Agricultural Officer, Agricultural Assistant (Agriculture), Agricultural Assistant (Agriculture Engineer) number of 128 vacancies at ojas.jau.in starting from 22/09/2017. So Interested & Eligible Candidates must apply online JAU OJAS Recruitment / Bharti 2017 from mention below link with read full official notification.
JAU OJAS Job 2017 details
No. of posts: 128
Name of posts:
- Agricultural officer: 58 Posts
- Agricultural Assistant (Agriculture): 68 Posts
- Agricultural Assistant (Agriculture Engineer): 02 Posts
Educational qualification:
- Agricultural officer: Graduate in related faculty (agriculture / horticulture) with 1st Class from recognized university.
- Agricultural Assistant (Agriculture): Diploma / Polytechnic in related faculty (agriculture / horticulture) from recognized university.
- Agricultural Assistant (Agriculture Engineer): Diploma / Polytechnic in related faculty (agriculture engineer / Agro Processing) from recognized university.
Application Fee: Processing fee for general candidate is Rs.400/- and Rs.100/- for SC/ST/SEBC/PH/Ex-Service Man candidate of Gujarat State.
Selection Process : Final selection will be based on Interview
- Processing fee for general candidate is400/- andRs.100/- for SC/ST/SEBC/PH/Ex-Service Man candidate of Gujarat State.
- The details of educational qualifications, age etc. should be obtained from Website http://www.jau.in.
- The application should be filled up online from website http://ojas.jau.in
- The processing fee can be paid through internet banking from the websitehttp://www.onlinesbi.com. The candidate can also pay the processing fee in cash by downloading the State Bank Collect challan from http://www.onlinesbi.com.
- After Paying the processing fee, the given payment detail by the bank will accessible after next working day(24 Hours Minimum).
- The application must belocked by the candidate and the print copy of locked application must be done on or before 11/10/2017.
- The locked application will be considered only.
- The hard copyof the final application print supported with self attested copies of certificates, pertaining to the qualifications should reach to the Registrar, Junagadh Agricultural University, Near Motibaugh Junagadh-362001 (Gujarat) before Dt.17/10/2017.
- The University reserves its right not to fill-in all or any post if deems necessary.
How to Apply : Interested and eligible candidates can apply online JAU OJAS Recruitment 2017 from Official website http://ojas.jau.in starting from 20/09/2017 to 17/10/2017.

Official JAU OJAS Notification & Dates
- JAU Jobs Advertisement No.: 01/2017
- JAU OJAS Online application start from: 20/09/2017
- Last date for online Job Application: 17/10/2017
- Payment Fees Start Date: 22/09/2017
- Payment End Date: 10/10/2017
- View official advertisement: View Here
- Apply online JAU OJAS Jobs 2017 : Apply Now
- JAU OJAS Website : http://ojas.jau.in