Jobs 2016, INFLIBNET Recruitment 2016, Information and Library Network Centre Recruitment, Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), Gandhinagar Published its recruitment Notification as a walk in interview for the Post of Teaching Asst, Project Asst, Accounts Consultant & Other Posts on its official website and other details are in mention below.
INFLIBNET Recruitment 2016 ~ Apply Online on
INFLIBNET Centre has taken up a major programme towards modernization of libraries and information centres in universities, colleges, institutes of higher learning and R&D institutes in India with application of Information and Communication Technology besides Library Automation, Shodhganga, Consortium for E-Journal Subscriptions, NLIST Project, UGC Website and Schemes, Integrated e-content Portal (IEP) Project and e-PG Pathshala etc.
A WALK-IN interview will be held for temporary contractual project positions. Interested candidates who meet the eligibility requirements are requested to appear test/personal interview at the above mentioned address, for Accounts Consultant & Library Science area on Friday, 1st July 2016 and Computer Science area on Monday, 4th July 2016 between 09.30 to 10.30 AM along with the application neatly typed on plain paper strictly in the prescribed proforma (available on our website) with a recent passport size photograph and attested copies of certificates/testimonials each for date of birth proof, qualifying degree last score card and degree awarded and experience certificates etc.
INFLIBNET Gandhinagar Gujarat Jobs 2016
Number of vacancies may increase or decrease. The eligibility conditions may be relaxed in highly exceptional cases at the discretion of the competent authority.
No of Posts: 11
Name of the Posts & Education:
- SOUL Technical Assistant (Library Science):01 Post
- B.L.I.Sc. OR B.Lib.Sc. & Working knowledge of computer system, Internet.
- Project Associate (Library Science):01 Post
- M.Lib.Sc. OR M.L.I.Sc. with 1 year experience, having knowledge of computer. & PGDLAN or equivalent.
- Project Assistant (Library Science):01 Post
- MLibSc / MLISc OR BLISc / BlibSc with 2 years experience, having knowledge of computer & PGDLAN or equivalent.
- Accounts Consultant:01 Post
- Post Graduate degree with 10 years experience out of which 5 years experience as Assistant Registrar/Accounts Officer or equivalent. Graduate degree with 12 years experience out of which 8 years experience as Assistant Registrar/Accounts Officer or equivalent in Govt. Institute/ organization. MBA/PhD and good working knowledge on computer application. & Retired Group-A officer from Govt. institute/organization.
- Senior Project Officer (Computer Science):01 Post
- PhD in Computer Science OR ME/MTech(CE/CS/IT) with 2 years experience OR BE/B.Tech./M.Sc. in CS/IT, MCA with 4 years experience
- Project Officer (Computer Science):01 Post
- ME/MTech(CE/CS/IT) OR BE/B.Tech./M.Sc. in CS/IT, MCA with 2 years experience. Visual Studio .Net, MS SQL Server, WPF, Silverlight, OR Java, REST, Web Services, MYSQL, JSP, Web Designing Tools.
- Project Associate (Computer Science):03 Posts
- BE/B.Tech./M.Sc. in CS/IT, MCA or equivalent. Visual Studio .Net, MS SQL Server, WPF, Silverlight, OR Java, REST, Web Services, MYSQL, JSP, Web Designing Tools.
- Project Assistant (Computer Science):01 Post
- Diploma (3 years duration) / Graduate Degree in Comp. Sci. /IT appropriate discipline with 3 years relevant work experience in relevant field. Knowledge in PHP/JAVA SPRING Framework, Semantic web and linked data technologies, SPARQL, RDF, OWL, revelant tools and APIs, MySQL, CSS, JQUERY
- SOUL Technical Assistant (Computer Science):01 Post
- Diploma (3 years duration) / Graduate Degree in Comp. Sci. /IT appropriate discipline with 3 years relevant work experience in relevant field.
How to Apply: Interested & Eligible Candidates may Attend walk-in with along with the Prescribed application format neatly typed on plain paper strictly (available on official website with a recent passport size photograph and attested copies of certificates/testimonials each for date of birth proof, qualifying degree last score card and degree awarded and experience certificates etc at mention below address.
Walk in Interview Venue: Information and Library Network Center , An ICU of University Grant Commission, Info city Area, Gandhinagar : 382 007.
Walk-in-Interview Date & Time: Accounts Consultant & Library Science area on Friday, 1st July 2016 and Computer Science area on Monday, 4th July 2016 between 09.30 to 10.30 AM

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