IITGN Recruitment 2017
Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar published latest jobs related notification for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on IITGN Website http://www.iitgn.ac.in/ and View more information about recruitment for IIT Gandhinagar Recruitment 2017 e.g. educational qualification, selection process, name of posts, how to apply, important dates, important links all are as under.
IIT Gandhinagar Jobs / Recruitment 2017
IITGN Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for the project titled: ‘Nature in Asia: Biodiversity Conservation in India, China and Bhutan’. This is part of a larger project funded by Social Science Research Council (New York) and implemented by IITGN. The project aims to examine the impact of globalization on human-nature relations in three Asian countries (Indian China and Bhutan). By analyzing community-based conservation initiatives, the project will focus on how the relations of the indigenous people with local wildlife (tigers, elephants, rhinos, apes, hornbills) has transformed over time. The project aims to understand how the indigenous people perceive the ideas of wildlife conservation brought in by the transnational NGOs and government agencies.
IITGN Online Jobs Application form at www.iitgn.ac.in
IIT Gandhinagar Applications are invited for JRF to carryout research within India. The position is full- time and for one year. The candidate may also apply for a PhD position at a later stage. The planned starting date of the position is August 2017. Essential Qualification: MA (Sociology, Anthropology, Ecological Sciences (with training in social science research methods) from a recognized university with atleast 60% marks. Candidates with 1 or 2 years of field research with research institutes/NGOs will be preferred.
IIT Gandhinagar Gujarat Jobs details
Name of posts: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Educational qualification: MA (Sociology, Anthropology, Ecological Sciences (with training in social science research methods) from a recognized university with at least 60% marks. Candidates with 1 or 2 years of field research with research institutes/NGOs will be preferred.
Salary: 25,000/- PM
Selection Process : IITGN Jobs Candidates Final selection will be based on Interview
How to apply: Candidates who are interested in applying should send the following to natureinasia@gmail.com (1) CV (2) A covering letter stating why they are qualified to apply for this position. Selection will be based on interview and shortlisted candidates will be intimated well in advance the date and time of interview. Application closes: June 30th Additional information can be obtained from Dr. Ambika Aiyadurai, Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, IITGN (a.ambika@iitgn.ac.in)

Important dates & Official Announcement
Last date for receipt of application: 30/06/2017
View official advertisement here
Official Website : http://www.iitgn.ac.in/