Gujcost Recruitment 2016, Guj Cost Jobs 2016, Guj Cost Online Recruitment, GUJCOST Bharti 2016, Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST) Published his Recruitment notification for the Post of Scientist & Project Scientist on his official website and other details are in mention below notification.
Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (Gujcost) working under the aegis of the Department of Science & technology, Govt. of Gujarat, is the nodal organization for promotion of Science education, awareness, innovation, research and development through various programs and activities across the state. as the State S&T Council of DST, Govt. of India. GUJCOST has multi-faceted role that focus on encouraging scientific and research activities in industry and educational filed along with patent information centre and intellectual property facilitating centre for the state.
GUJCOST Invites applications from the qualified and experienced candidates for its patent information cell on contractual basis.
GUCOAST Recruitment 2016 |
No. of Post : 03
Name of Post & Education
- Scientist- C One Position
- Master Degree in Science specifically in Physics, Chemistry/ Bachelor degree in Engineering/ Technology first class or equivalent grade with four year experience in Management of Intellectual Property Rights.
- Scientist – B One Position
- Master Degree in Science specifically in Physics, Chemistry/ Bachelor degree in Engineering/ Technology first class or equivalent grade with two year experience in Management of Intellectual Property Rights. If the Candidate is having the desirable qualification two years experience may be exempted.
- Project Scientist One Position
- Master Degree in Science in Physics, Chemistry/ Bachelor degree in Engineering/ Tech first class and have about two year experience as Project Assistant in PIC.
Selection Process : Candidates Selection will be on Interview Base.
How to Apply: Interested & Eligible Candidates Can Apply GUJCOST Recruitment 2016 Prescribe Application form with Attached all necessary document to send mention below address.
Application Sending Address Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), Dept of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat Block D, 6th Floor, M. S. Building, Nr. Pathikashram, Sector 11, Gandhinagar 382011

Important Dates :
GUJCOST Scientist Recruitment Application Receipt Last Dt.04/04/2016
View GUJCOST Scientist Recruitment 2016 Notification
Last sem in BE mechanical, so i can apply??
Could i apply now for the Scientist-C . Iam M.Pharm, Ph.D Pharmaceutical; sciences and working as lecturer at K.B. Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Gandhinagar. i have 5 research Project Granted by GUJCOST.