Reshuffling / Admission Counseling Programme for First year Medical /Dental / Ayurved / Homeopathy / B.Sc. Nursing / Physiotherapy/ Orthotics / Optometry / Naturopathy & B.A.S.L.P. Courses for the year 2014-15Reshuffling / Admission Programme of above coursesafter Qualifying Gujarat Higher Secondary Education Board the Examination or Standard 12 Science stream to fill up vacant seats, newly sanctioned seats in Govt./Municipal, Grant in Aid and Govt. seats of S.F.I. Institutes for the academic year 2014-15 will be as follows. Candidates who want to continue the present admission should not remain present. Only those candidates who are interested for reshuffling should remain present in person with their original admission order, fees receipt, and the difference in amount of fees, if any, in cash. Students who are interested in getting new admission should remain present in person and bring all original documents and Rs.15,000/- as partial fees in cash at their scheduled date and time at the Admission Committee for Professional Medical Educational Courses, B. J. Medical College Ground, Opp. Trauma Centre, B/h. Transit Ward, New Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad-16.
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