High Court of Gujarat Job Application System – Legal Assistant Bharti 2017
HC-OJAS – High Court Of Gujarat, Sola Ahemdabad published today its latest government of gujarat jobs notification for recruitment for 17 Legal Assistants on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat on its official website gujarathighcourt.nic.in and other details about hc-ojas.guj.nic.in “High Court of Gujarat Legal Assistant Jobs / Recruitment 2017” are as under.
Gujarat High Court Legal Assistant on hc-ojas.guj.nic.in
The High Court of Gujarat invites On-line Applications from the Candidates with a Degree in Law, for filling up, 17 Vacancies for the post of Legal Assistants, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, on a Fixed Remuneration of Rs.15,000/- p.m., purely on ad-hoc and contractual basis, initially for a period of 11 months, extendable on periodical basis, upto a maximum period of 3 Years, subject to the approval of the Honourable the Chief Justice.
High Court of Gujarat (HC-OJAS) Bharti 2017
No. of posts: 17 posts
Name of posts: Legal Assistants
Educational qualification:
- Degree in Law from any University in India or any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission. Candidates studying in the Fifth Year of a Five Year Law Course, can also apply for the said Post, and their final selection would be subject to their passing of the Fifth Year examination of B., prior to their Appointment.
- Basic Knowledge of Computer Application / Operation.
- Acquaintance of vernacular Language : The job of a Legal Assistant would require the candidate concerned, to carry out extensive research work and preparing notes, forming opinions, comments, , on legal issues, by interpreting the vernacular Gujarati Language, which would therefore, require acquaintance of the said vernacular Language.
Age limit: A Candidate for Appointment to the said Post, shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the date of Advertisement i.e. on 30/03/2017, i.e. Candidates born between 30/03/1982 & 30/03/1999, shall be eligible to apply.
Application Fee: Candidates shall be required to pay an Application Fees of Rs.250/-, plus the usual Bank Charges through remitting the same in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad, held in the name of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India using the Cash Voucher in the Special Format appended to this Advertisement, from 01/04/2017 to 15/04/2017, during Bank working days and Hours.
REMUNERATION : The Candidates selected are presently entitled to draw a Fixed Honorarium of Rs. 15,000/- per month, without any additional Allowances, benefits, perquisites, facilities or increments, as stipulated in the Government Resolution, Legal Department No. HCT/102004/4015/D, dated 14/10/2011.
High Court of Gujarat Exam Syllabus
Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) – ‘Computer Based (Online) Examination System: (Tentatively to be conducted on 18/06/2017)
The Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) , shall be conducted at Ahmedabad at the Centre(s), as may be decided by the High Court, comprising of 100 Marks, of 2 hours’ duration, consisting of 100 – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) each of 01 Mark, with Negative Marking of 0.25 Mark for each Wrong Answer. The Syllabus for said Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs), shall be as follows:
- The Constitution of India
- The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
- The Indian Penal Code, 1860
- The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
- The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
- The Indian Contract Act, 1872
- The Specific Relief Act, 1963
- The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
- The Limitation Act, 1963
- General Knowledge
- English Language
- Computer Skills/Applications knowledge
- General I.Q. Test
Candidates shall download their Written Test ‘e-call letter’, from the Websites abovementioned, from 12/06/2017 onwards.
The Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) shall be administered ‘On-line’, through a ‘Computer Based Examination System’ & it shall be evaluated as per entries made by the candidate on Computer itself, immediately, upon conclusion of the said Written Test. The evaluation being done real time by the Computer, rechecking of entries / answers, subsequent to Written Test, shall not be entertained by the High Court.
How to apply: All eligible Candidates after payment of their requisite Examination Fees in the Bank Account as mentioned in Para No.5(a) above, should apply ‘On-line’, through the link provided in High Court Website http://hc- ojas.guj.nic.in, in the prescribed format from 01/04/2017 to 15/04/2017. Please note that the last date for submission of On-line Application is 15/04/2017 till 23:59 hours.

Important dates & Official Notification link
- Online application start from: 01/04/2017
- Last date for online application: 15/04/2017
- Download ‘e-Call-letters’ for Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs): Preceding week of Written Test
- Tentative Date of Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs): 18/06/2017
- Download of ‘e-Call-letters’ for Viva-voce Test: Preceding week of Viva-voce Test
- Date of Viva-voce Test: Month of July/August – 2017
- View official advertisement here
- Apply Online Gujarat High Court Legal Assistant Bharti 2017 Hc-ojas.gujarat.gov.in