GPSC Recruitment 2016:
GPSC Latest Bharti : GPSC OJAS Bharti on – Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Published its Latest Jobs / bharti Notification for the Post of Asst. Engineer (Civil), Motor Vehicle Inspector & Other Posts on today newspaper and GPSC Official website Interested & Eligible Candidates Must Apply Online GPSC Jobs from 01 December 2016 to 16-12-2016on on “GPSC-OJAS” website.
GPSC Bharti 2016-17 | Apply Online 469 Vacancies on
Gujarat Public Service Commission “GPSC” Invite Online Application for the Various 469 Post on started from 01-12-2016 Apply Online GPSC 469 Recruitment on ojas-gpsc website.
No. of posts: 469
Name of posts, Educational qualification:
- Assistant Engineer (Civil): 350 Posts
- Possess a degree in Engineering (Civil) obtained from any of the Universities or institutions established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institutions recognized as such or declared to be a deemed University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956
- Motor Vehicle Inspector: 50 Posts
- Possess a Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering obtained from a University established or incorporated by law in India or an institution deemed to be University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government for this pupose.
- Have a valid light motor vehicle driving license on the date of appointment
- Principal: 52 Posts
- A post graduate degree with at least fifty five percent marks (or an equivalent grade of B‟ in the seven point scale, (“O”,” A”, “B”, “C”, D, “E” and “F” wherever grading system is followed) obtained from any of the universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India, or any other educational institutions recognized as such by the Government or deemed to be a university under section 3 of the U. G. C. Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government; (See more Notification)
- Add. District Health Officer / RCHD: 02 Posts
- Possess a Degree in medicine of a recognized university or an equivalent qualification specified in the First and Second Schedules appended to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956; (See more Notification)
- District Education Officer / District Primary Education Officer & Equivalent posts: 15 Posts
- Posses a Bachelor’s degree with First class or a Bachelor’s degree with a Second class and a Master’s degree with Second class in Arts or Science or Commerce of Law or Agriculture or an equivalent educational qualification obtained University established or recognized by or under the Central or State Act in India, or any other educational institution recognized as such by law in India or from an institution deemed to be University under section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or an institution recognized by the Government. (ii) Posses a degree in teaching or education or an equivalent of higher degree or Diploma in Education. (See more Notification)
Application fee: Rs. 100/- + 12/- (Postal Charges)
Selection process: GPSC Jobs Candidates Final selection will be based on written examination & Interview Base as GPSC Rules & Regulation.
How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates can Apply online GPSC 469 Vacancy from its official website before 16-12-2016.
Important dates:
- GPSC Jobs Advertisement No.: 101/2016-17 to 105/2016-17
- GPSC Online application start from: 01/12/2016 (started 01:00 PM)
- GPSC Online Application Last date : 16/12/2016 (till 01:00 PM)
Preliminary Exam:
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) | Motor Vehicle Inspector: 26/03/2016
- Principal: 09/04/2017
- District Health Officer / RCHD: 08/01/2017
- District Education Officer / District Primary Education Officer & Equivalent: 12/03/2017
GPSC Official Jobs Notification 2016
- GPSC Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Advt. No. 101/2016-17)
- GPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector (Advt. No. 102/2016-17)
- GPSC Principal (Advt. No. 103/2016-17)
- GPSC Add. District Health Officer / RCHD (Advt. No. 104/2016-17)
- GPSC District Education Officer / District Primary Education Officer & Equivalent (Advt. No. 105/2016-17)