GPSC PI Result 2017
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) published Latest Examination Result Notification for the Post of Police Inspector (Direct Recruitment) Prelim Examination, 2017 at OJAS GPSC Website The following 2681 candidates are declared provisionally qualified in the Competitive (Preliminary) Exam conducted by the Gujarat Public Service Commission on 15.10.2017 for the Advt. No. 38/2017‐18.
PI Cut Off Marks 2017-18
In accordance with the rules of the examination, subsequent to the Physical Efficiency Test (Qualifying Test) and Physical Measurement Test, the Candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified for admission to the Main Examination shall apply again in such form as may be prescribed by the commission along with applicable fees.
GPSC PI Exam details
- Exam Name: Police Inspector (unarmed), Class-II
- Advt. No.: 38/2017-18
- Exam held on: 15/10/2017
GPSC PI Prelim Result 2017
GPSC Police Inspector (unarmed) (Class-II) Result: Click here
View GPSC Website :
View OJAS Website :
PI Exam Cut Off Marks 2017
Details of Category wise marks (Qualification standard) and Category wise total of qualified candidates are shown below:
In Sr. No. | Category & Gender | Cut‐off Marks | Cut‐off Marks with 10% Relaxation for Ex‐Serviceman Candidate | No. of Selected Candidates |
1 | General Male | 108.06 | 97.25 | 802 |
2 | General Female | 67.08 | 60.37 | 403 |
3 | SEBC Male | 108.06 | 97.25 | 615 |
4 | SEBC Female | 67.08 | 60.37 | 318 |
5 | SC Male | 105.84 | 95.26 | 120 |
6 | SC Female | 67.08 | 60.37 | 82 |
7 | ST Male | 76.95 | 69.26 | 220 |
8 | ST Female | 53.89 | 48.50 | 121 |
Total | 2681 |
GPSC PI Cut Off Marks :
Cut‐off marks means marks secured by the last candidate in merit list (arrangement of total marks obtained in descending order) of the concerned category.

GPSC PI Final Answerkey :
GPSC PI Recruitment 2018-19
As per Final Answer key declared Two (2) questions are cancelled. Therefore, it is decided by the Commission to equally distribute the two marks of cancelled questions among 298 questions on pro‐rata basis, as such evaluation has been carried out by treating each question with 1.007 mark for the right answer and (‐)0.302 mark for the wrong/multiple encoded/blank answer in this result.
GPSC PI Pass Candidates List :
Roll Number of provisionally qualified candidates eligible for appearing in the Physical Efficiency Test (Qualifying Test) and Physical Measurement Test PDF File.