FCI Recruitment 2016, FCI Online Jobs, FCI Watchman Jobs, FCI Online Bharti 2016, Food Corporation of India (FCI), Published its recruitment Notification for the Post of Watchman on its official website https://www.fcijobsportal.com for positioning in its depots or offices in the states of MP, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa. More Details about FCI Watchman Jobs 2016 mention below.
FCI Jobs 2016
FILLING UP OF 8 POSTS OF WATCHMEN IN FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA, WEST ZONE, UNDER PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (PwD) QUOTA Food Corporation of India, one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings dealing with Foodgrain Supply-Chain Management, wishes to recruit Category-IV personnel under PwD quota as Watchmen for positioning in its depots or offices in the states of MP, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa. On-line applications are invited from the eligible candidates as per the following details:
FCI Watchman Recruitment 2016 ~ Apply Online https://www.fcijobsportal.com
Total no of Posts: 08
Name of Posts: Watchman
Educational Qualification: Middle standard passed
Age limit (as on 01/01/2016): Max. 35 year (Persons with Disability of 40% and above, in OH category, shall be eligible for applying for the above posts. (More Details see in notification)
Scale of pay: Rs.8100-18070/-
Selection Process:
The selection shall be based on written test to be conducted on 19/06/2016 (Sunday) at 4 locations as mentioned below Ahmedabad – 01, Bhopal – 02, Mumbai – 03, Raipur – 04. The written test shall be held in Hindi/English language in the Offline mode. The said test shall be of 2 hours 40 Minutes duration and shall have 120 Objective type questions in General Knowledge and Basic Mathematics. Verification of original testimonials shall be done afterwards in respect of shortlisted candidates.
How to apply: Interested & Eligible candidates may apply online FCI Watchman Jobs 2016 from its official FCI Jobs Portal http://www.fcijobportalwz.com/ and mention below.
Since the recruitment is exclusively for PwD candidates, there is NO APPLICATION FEES. In support of the claim for PwD reservation, attested copy of Disability certificate issued by appropriate authority may be uploaded. Application can be submitted by a candidate only once for one region only. If a candidate applies for more than one region, his candidature shall be rejected. Application can be made in online mode only. The last date of applying (online mode) is 06.06.2016. The candidate has to fill all the details online, and upload all relevant documents in support of his/her candidature. The online application window can be accessed at fcijobportalwz.com from 9.00 A.M. on 15.05.16 till 5.00 PM on 06.06.16. The online admit card shall be generated on the above website i.e. fcijobportalwz.com, 7 days prior to the date of the written exam. The candidates are advised to carry the print-out of the admit card for attending the exam
Important dates:
- FCI Online Jobs Starting Dt.15/05/2016
- FCI Online Jobs Application Last date 06/06/2016
- FCI Uploading of Admit Card: 12/06/2016
- FCI Watchman Examination Date 19/06/2016

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sir,I’m Raj ,I’m studied in 10th complete 2012,age 21 so interest apply this job. my Mob.pH.No 7499578079
i am ramakanr sharma from agra. i have done written exam of FCI watchman sir when will result come.