Fix an increase in salary of up to 124% pagar dhoran Verdict state government, 1,18,738 personnel benefits
Fix Pay Related News – Gujarat Government
Ahmedabad: A key decision has been taken by the state government salaries have long been fixed in the last fight. The government has gone from a standard pay increase since 2006. Class 2, by up to 124% of the salaries of employees 3 and 4, which will be a direct beneficiary of 1,18,738 employees.
Gujarat Govt. Fix Pay Decision:
Gujarat government has issued a fix to take a decision pagar dharakona salary increases ranging from 63 to 124 per cent. Deputy chief minister Nitin Patel announced this. Decision recent state of the fixed salary of 1.18 million employees will benefit directly from the work. This decision will have a burden of Rs .1300 crore to Government,
Gujarat Government Increased Fix Pay Salary
The state government will directly benefit a total of 1,18,738 employees pay an additional decision taken. In particular has been an increase of 90% of the salaries of employees of class 2, class 3 and 63% to 73% of salary karcamariona salaries of employees of class 4. In addition to five years of experience will be considered for all employees. It has been running since 2006, when an increase in pay grade, 10% HRA will be given to employees.
90% increase in the salaries of employees of class-2
The state government will directly benefit a total of 1,18,738 employees pay an additional decision taken. In particular has been an increase of 90% of the salaries of employees of class 2, class 3 and 63% to 73% of salary karmachariona salaries of employees of class 4. In addition to five years of experience will be considered for all employees. He has been an increase in salary grade came running from 2006, 10% HRA also given to employees.
Supreme said, we will order the government becomes the debtor
Was conducted before the Chief Justice of India before the bench hearing a special leave petition against serving Fix pagar dhoran government’s policy of the state government. SC had slammed the Gujarat government’s tough words. Why not place a permanent fix pagar darone? He criticized the government will change the argument from the Chief Justice said that the government’s policy.
New Increased Fix Pay Salary (Class Wise)
Class | Increased Salary Percentage | New Salary |
Class – II | 90% | 31340/- |
Class – III | 73% | 19950/- |
Class – IV | 63% | 16200/- |
Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel made the announcement today at Gandhinagar. He said that February will be the first to implement this decision. Recruiting employees from 2006 will also benefit from continuous service. 1300 crore financial burden will fall on the state exchequer. Who will read the next slide increments how much?
This was also the case in the Supreme Court. But suprim mathi pagaradarono fixed salary has increased by finding a way between the State Government before any decision.
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