CBSE CTET Result 2016, CTET results 2016, CTET Result Declared Examination of 21st February 2016, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Published its Examination Result notification Exam of Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) on its official website
CTAT Result 2016 Declared
CBSE CTET Result 2016 got delayed as the exam was postponed in Haryana. The exam was therefore held on May 8. The exam was conducted for candidates to be eligible for selection as a teacher for classes 1 to 8. The CTET scores apply to schools of the Central Government (KVS, NVS, etc) and schools under the administrative control of UT’s of Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and NCT of Delhi.
CBSE – CTET Result 2016 for February Exam
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a Board of Education for public and private schools, under the Union Government of India. The board has prime focus on Innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising students friendly and students centered paradigms and reforms in examinations and evaluation practices.
CTET 2016 Qualify Marks:
Candidates who have appeared in central teacher eligibility test 2015, we are providing details regard exam score and minimum qualify marks. Those candidates can apply for teacher jobs who will get CTET 2016 exam scores 60% mark. Therefore candidates will need to obtain 90 marks out of 150 marks. Candidates who belong to reserved categories they are relaxation up to 5% in the qualify marks. It means their CTET scores should be 55% or 82.5 marks out of 150 marks. If you meet to this eligible criteria then you are eligible for apply to teaching posts.
CTET Result Online on
- Summery of CBSE CTET Result 2016
- Name of Examination : Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET)
- CTET Exam Date : 21/02/2016
- Examination Organization : CBSE Board
- CTET Result 2016 Date : 23/05/2016
- CTET Result 2016 Official Website :
- Student Can First Visit CBSE Result Official website
- Enter CTET Menu Option on top Menu.
- Student Can Enter your CTET Roll Number and Press Enter Key.
- Now Open Screen of CTET Score Card “CTET Result 2016”
- Now Student Can Calculate his Marks, and Take Hard Copy of CTET Result 2016
We are Provide CTET Merit List, CTET Highest Marks, CTET State Wise Result, CTET Top Ten Student, CTET Result 2016 Analysis, etc available soon.

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is conducted two times in a year, i.e., firstly in the month of the February and secondly in the month of September. For the year 2016, only the February exam has been held and now the result of it is being expected.
View CTET Result 2016
View CTET Highest Marks 2016
View CTET Top 10 Candidates (Student List) 2016