CPCL Recruitment 2015 | CPCL Jobs 2015 | CPCL Vacancy 2015 | CPCL Engineer | CPCL Jr. Technical Assistant | Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), is Published his Recruitment Notification for the Post of Engineer (Fire & Safety) & Junior Technical Assistant on his official website www.cpcl.co.in and other details about CPCL Recruitment Mention below.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), is a Public Sector Undertaking and a Group Company of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., in the field of Hydro-carbon processing with a refining capacity of 11.5 MMTPA, having Refineries located in Chennai and Nagapattinam, in Tamil Nadu.
CPCL invites applications from persons of Indian Nationality for the following positions. The number of vacancies indicated are tentative which may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the Management.
Name of the Posts:
- Engineer (Fire & Safety): 02
- Junior Technical Assistant (Fire & Safety): 06
Education :
Engineer (Fire): First class full-time Engineering Degree in Fire / Fire & Safety from a recognized Indian University / Institute with not less than 60% marks in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. Preference will be given to candidates possessing Diploma in Industrial Safety duly recognized by State Factory Inspectorate and valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License.
Junior Technical Assistant (Fire & Safety): Matriculate with minimum 50% marks from a Board or an Institute recognized by State / Central Govt. Knowledge of English (reading & writing) is preferable. Candidates must possess Fireman’s Certificate Course of not less than three months duration from a Board or an Institute recognized by the State / Central Govt. Candidate must possess valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License. Preference will be given to candidate with certificate in “Diploma in Industrial Safety” from a Board or an Institute recognized by State / Central Govt.
Age :
Engineer (Fire): 30 years. Age relaxation to Ex-servicemen as per Govt. Rules.
Junior Technical Assistant (Fire & Safety): 28 years (31 years for OBC candidates). Age relaxation to Ex-servicemen as per Govt. Rules.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on Written test / Interview (see in Advt.)
Application Fees : The applications should be accompanied with a crossed Demand Draft of 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) as application fee (non refundable) in favour of “Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited”, payable at Chennai. Money Order, Postal Order, Cash or any other mode of payment will not be accepted. SC / ST / Ex-servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
How to Apply: Eligible & Interested Candidates Can Apply Online Application Format Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria and desiring to offer their services should submit their applications in the prescribed format supported by all relevant documents (qualification / experience / age / community etc.) with latest passport size photograph. The application format is available on our web site www.cpcl.co.in before Dt.20/11/2015 Application sending by Ordinary / Speed Post “The Manager (Personnel), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Post Box No.1, Manali, Chennai 600 068 on or before 20-11-2015.
Important Dates
Last Date of sending Application: 20/11/2015.
View CPCL Recruitment Notification 2015