ONGC Recruitment 2019 of GTs Engineering and Geo Sciences Disciplines at E1 level through GATE 2019.
The Engineer & Geo Sciences Engineer post through GATE 2019 were notified vide Advt. No.06/2018 (R&P) in September 2018 in National Details. Employyment news and in the Advt it was conveyed that details.
is looking for young, promising and energetic aspirants with bright academic
records to join the organization as Class I executive (at E1 level) in
Engineering and
Geo – Sciences disciplines through GATE 2019. Other details like age
limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee
and how to apply are given below in the advertisement.
No. 3/2019 (R&P)
Name of Posts:
- AEE (Cementing)- Mechanical
- AEE (Cementing)- Petroleum
- AEE (Civil)
- AEE (Drilling)- Mechanical
- AEE (Drilling)- Petroleum
- AEE (Electrical)
- AEE (Electronics)
- AEE (Instrumentation)
- AEE (Mechanical)
- AEE (Production)- Mechanical
- AEE (Production Chemical)
- AEE (Production)- Petroleum
- AEE (Reservoir)
- Chemist
- Geologist
- Geophysicist (Surface)
- Geophysicist (Wells)
- Materials Management Officer
- Programming Officer
- Transport Officer
- AEE (Industrial Engineering)
Educational Qualification: Post Wise Various Educational Degree Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Application Fee:
- For General/ EWS/ OBC/ Ex Serviceman: Rs.370/-
- For SC/ST/PWD candidates: Nill
- Payment Mode (Offine): Challan
How to Apply: Interested & Eligible Candidates need to visit through official Website to register their application online. The Registration site shall remain open from 05/04/2019 to 25/04/2019. No other mode of application shall be accepted.
Jobs Advertisement: Click Here
Apply Online: Click Here

Important Dates & Schedule
- Starting Date of Online Application: 05-04-2019
- Last Date to Apply Online: 25-04-2019
- Tentative Date for Period for uploading the scanned copies of certificates and downloading the interview call letter for shortlisted candidates: 05 to 25-05-2019
- Tentative Date for Interview: 10-06-2019