Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Final Result for the post of Class 1 & 2 (Advt. No. 40/2018-19), Check at GPSC OJAS website Also you can check GPSC Advt No. 40/2018–19 Result The commission has declared the final result of GPSC Class I & II exams. The second consecutive year the commission concluded the recruitment process within 365 days. Congratulations to all who made it and Best Wishes for those who miss out this time.
GPSC Class 1 & 2 Final Result 2019
Post: Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1 & Gujarat Civil Service Class-1 & 2, Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2
GPSC Result 2019 | GPSC Class 1 & 2 Result | Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published List of Candidates called for Interview (Result) 2019 for the post of Class 1 & 2 (Advt. No. 40/2018-19) at
GPSC Class 1 2 Final Result Link – OJAS GPSC Gujarat Bharti 2019
The Candidates with following ROLL NUMBERS are found qualified for interview for Gujarat Administrative Service, Class‐I, Gujarat Civil Service, Class‐I & Class‐II and Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officers’ Service Class‐II on the basis of the Combined
Competitive (Main Written) Exam held by the Gujarat Public Service Commission on 17th & 24th February and 3rd March 2019 in connection with the Recruitment Advertisement No. 40/2018‐19.
Posts Name: Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Service, Class-1 & Class-2 and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2
Advt. No. 40/2018-19
List of Candidates called for Interview: Click Here
Main Exam Dates: 17-02-2019, 24-02-2019 & 03-03-2019
Important Notice about List of Eligible/Ineligible candidates of Advt. No. 40/2018-19, GAS, Class-1 & GCS Class-1 & 2, GMCOS, Class-2: Click Here
For more Details: Click Here
GPSC Official Result Link :
The result is also available on Commission’s website, gpsc- , GPSC mobile application : GPSC (Official) and on Twitter : @GPSC_OFFICIAL
Note :
- The result is subject to the fulfilment of eligibility criteria laid down in Advertisement 40/2018-19
- The above result is subject to revision after rechecking of marks of those candidates who apply for the same.
- As per the Provision of Rule 20 of Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-I, Gujarat Civil Service, Class-I & Class-II and Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officers’ Service Class-II Competitive Examination Rules-2017 as amended time to time.
- If there is any change in the postal address of candidate who have qualified for interview test, they are requested to communicate the new postal address to the office of the Commission immediately.